In Brief | Timing to First Whole Blood Transfusion and Survival Following Severe Hemorrhage in Trauma Patients

 Estimated read time: 1 minute, 04 seconds
Published on MedED: 5 February 2024
Originally Published: 31 January 2023
Sourced: JAMA Surgery
Type of article: In Brief
MedED Catalogue Reference: MCCIB008

Category: Critical Care, Anaesthetics & Emergency Medicine
Cross Reference: CVS

Keywords: shock, polytrauma, emergency medicine, haemorrhage


Originally published in JAMA Surgery

There is renewed interest in the administration of whole blood (WB) in cases of massive haemorrhage resulting from trauma. However, insufficient evidence exists regarding the importance of the timing of WB administration when administered as part of a massive transfusion protocol (MTP). Specifically, this study aimed to determine whether earlier transfusion with WB improved survival outcomes at the 24-hour mark and within 30 days of transfusion.

The retrospective cohort study included 1393 adult patients (83% male) who had profound traumatic injuries and who were treated in trauma centres in the US and Canada. The patients had a systolic BP of less than 90mmHG, a shock index of greater than 1, and had recieved whole blood within 24 hours of admission as part of an MTP. Patients with burns, prehospital cardiac arrest or who died within one hour of admission to the emergency department were excluded.

The researchers reported improved survival in those patients who were given WB transfusion within an hour of admission to the Emergency Department. The earlier the administration of WB, the more significant the improvement in survival rate at 24 hours compared to patients who received later administration. This survival benefit remained at 30 days. 

The study's findings are clinically significant, indicating that earlier WB may increase survival in actively haemorrhaging patients requiring MTP.


Access the original article

Torres, C. M., Kenzik, K. M., Saillant, N. N., Scantling, D. R., Sanchez, S. E., Brahmbhatt, T. S., Dechert, T. A., & Sakran, J. V. (2024). Timing to First Whole Blood Transfusion and Survival Following Severe Hemorrhage in Trauma Patients. JAMA surgery, 10.1001/jamasurg.2023.7178. Advance online publication.


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