Pathology Image-Sharing on Social Media: Recommendations for Protecting Privacy While Motivating Education


Published on MedED:  27 October 2020
Type of article: Summary
Sources: AMA Journal of Ethics
With the way the world is evolving the use of Social Media as an educational tool have become more and more a topic of conversation. But with Social Media comes a big responsibility with regards to how the tool is being used, especially when it comes to the medical field.

Through this article Genevieve M. Crane, MD, PhD and Jerad M. Gardner, MD discuss ways forward for the protection of privacy of pathology images whilst using the images for educational purposes on Social Media.
Contributor: Aldeen van der Walt
Aldeen van der Walt previously worked in Dead Body Management Education, at the Forensic Unit of the International Committee of the Red Cross. She is passionate about anthropology and forensic pathology, and is committed to raising the profile and access to the forensic pathology education across the Sub-Saharan African region.

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